Wednesday, March 11, 2009

what happened to spring????

okay, what happened to our weather??? we have snow again - arggggg... well at least it is blowing around alot and so far does not seem to be sticking or accumulating (is that a word?)... it is very cold and very windy...

been busy trying to get things set up with the business... got some cute pics done yesterday (can check them out at my product blog . Did set up an email address for tru ( waiting to hear from p's friend re: website.... had my first order yesterday YEAH....

have meeting with former place of worship tonight... please pray - they said it would be quick, but honestly i have never known them to do anything quick - we'll see..... will keep you posted....

so today is clean up the house and clean up my attitude (feeling a bit skeptic), need to clothe myself in grace, boost up my faith & trust in my almighty Father King for tonight and lay my worries at His Feet....

well got to go wash big z's hair (home from school today) and get going with my day... i am thinking of my friends in florida and still working on the big green giant (hahaha) love you all and hope your having a very fun sunny time!!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

HEY!! I'll be praying for you guys today! I love you! and yay!! your first order!! AWESOME!!