Wednesday, March 4, 2009

i can't hear you, my head is in the sink! & oh no i am out of coffee filters!!

i was washing my hair this morning in the kitchen sink and my 3 yr. old daughter was trying to tell me something& she kept telling me over and over and all i could hear was you guessed it - mumbles mixed with the bubbles- finally i yelled out to her (in a nice motherly way) "i can't hear you, my head is in the sink"... well at that moment i had an epiphany---- how many times do i/we feel like God is just not listening to us because i/we can't "hear" Him. sometimes i/we think- how can others hear Him so clearly or why doesn't He "talk" to me.... well chris (and my friend) maybe we can't hear Him because our "heads are in the sink". so i challenge you to think about what your "sink" is today? & let's get our heads out of it....

also, went to make myself coffee this morning, because gotta have my java... i didn't give into the temptation to go to my two favorite places (starbucks & bigby) which by the way i drive by both about 3 times a day... do you know i actually think they know my name and my van because i hear them calling me... well back to my pot of coffee i was going to make... i opened the cupboard and oh the horror!!!! i was out of coffee filters!!! & after i was so good to not buy some today.... well back to my melt down... "i need my caffeine" what to do???? well i decided that i could use paper towel - maybe- i tested how the water would run through it in the sink- i went ahead and did it!!! it worked and i am now drinking a delicious cup of joe... but again it got me thinking... how many times do we give up too easily because things are not going as we planned or we are not what we want ourselves to be (the right size, color of hair, good enough mother, etc) i am talking about the lies we believe and don't even know they are lies.... do i really need my caffeine?? can i only have coffee if i have the right filter?? how many times are we called to something and God wants us to find the paper towel instead of the coffee filters.... & in the process we believe the lie that we need our caffeine.... what are you believing today and where (what) is God asking you to use the paper towel instead of the coffee filters???

have a great day & know you are precious in HIS SIGHT & He is with you in the sink - but He can be heard clearer when the bubbles are not in your ears!!!

tru body products update--- still working on website, had a few new scents come in yesterday - midsummer nights dream- (very manly - looking forward to smelling it on my tru love), sea escape-(smells like a day at the sea or ocean minus the tanning lotion... very back to nature... takes you to a mental vacation)

have been using the skin cream on my face at night and i like the results thus far... will keep you posted... am watching a few blemishes and how they heal up... being very real here...


Becky said...

you make me smile :)

Rachel said...

I've spent a lot of my life with my head in the sink, or rather under water completely!

Desyphering when the caffeine is just caffeine and not another god can be hard sometimes. Sometimes it even just starts out as plain ol caffeine and then next thing you know caffeine is no longer caffeine! Then you add the dang filters and paper towel into the mix and next thing you know you're so far from where you should be and where you even want to be that you can't pull your head out the "gall darn" sink to hear some Truth! sometimes staying there and compalaining and wallowing in it is just plain easier! :)

I have a lot of caffeine in my life. But I've been drinking decaf of my favorite one for 92 days and it tastes so good!

K, now I'm gonna drop the metaphors. I was excited to see another post so quickly from you! Good job! Have an awesome night, Chris!

Rachel said...

Also, i didn't spell check so...