Tuesday, April 7, 2009

my world is shrinking (& that's a good thing)

it has been a bit since i posted... well God is alive and active... i can see his fingerprints in so many areas of my life, it is just amazing... our past year has been such a devasting and richly blessed year... this new path God has put us on has been so full... family and friend relationships have bloomed and blossemed so beautifully that i am sitting here in such awe of the master orchestrator...

i have two amazing bible study groups packed with so much authenticity it thrills my soul... i love my "real" fellow sojourners... my little n is haveing a playdate with two friends - one from our new church (daughter of one of my new friendships in one of my bible study groups), and one from awana that happens to be the daughter of the older sister of my youngest sister's best friend from high school... crazy!!

i keep finding out that old and new friends are in touch with other old and new friends and relatives of mine.... not sure if this happens to all of you but wow it is happening a lot to me lately...

anyway sunday is easter and i love easter, monday at bible study was amazing - what we were taught by beth moore was what jeff was teaching this past weekend at church, which is only a God thing...

it is late and i must go get some rest...